Learned Physicians And Everyday Medical Practice In The Renaissance Michael Stolberg Walter De Gruyter
Michael Stolberg
Walter De Gruyter
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1.327,65 TL
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Learned Physicians and Everyday Medical Practice in the Renaissance
1.327,65 TL
Learned Physicians And Everyday Medical Practice In The Renaissance Michael Stolberg Walter De Gruyter Özellikleri
Yazar | Michael Stolberg |
Yayınevi | Walter De Gruyter |
Cilt Tipi | Ciltli |
Independently PublıshedRoutledgeLettel BooksPenguinAlpha EditionsVerlag Unser WissenForgotten BooksEdiciones Nuestro Conocimientoİletişim YayınlarıYale University PressEdizioni SapienzaPalgrave MacmillanKronik KitapAlfa YayınlarıEditions Notre SavoirCambridge University Press, UkOxford Unıversıty PressTimaşBod - Books On DemandBloomsbury Academic
'Learned Physicians And Everyday Medical Practice In The Renaissance Michael Stolberg Walter De Gruyter' ile benzer ürünleri karşılaştırın
Learned Physicians And Everyday Medical Practice In The Renaissance Michael Stolberg Walter De Gruyter | Viel Lrm Um Nichtseine Wahrnehmungsgeschichte Des Nichtstuns In Der Bundesrepublik Robel, Yvonne WallsteIn Verlag Gmbh | Conflicta Military History Of The Evolution Of Warfare From 1945 To Ukraine Petraeus, David William Collins | Patriot Paths Of Pennsylvaniathe Colonial Yearsor The Memoirs Of A Marine Moyer, S. G. Indy Pub | |
1.327,65 TL | 1.648,58 TL | 1.656,74 TL | 1.679,36 TL | |
Yazar | Michael Stolberg | Robel, Yvonne | — | — |
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